Repair Café Hilversum – English summary

Repair Café Hilversum is a not-for-profit community of volunteers who provide repair services. Every month, we come together in ‘WijkCentrum De Zoutkeet’ on a Saturday to repair common household goods, kitchen equipment, clothes, electronics, toys and much more. Please check the yearly schedule published on our site for our upcoming sessions. We are open to anyone who lives in Hilversum and its immediate surroundings. We are affiliated with the initiative. We only work out of communitycenter ‘De Zoutkeet’, unfortunately we are not available for house calls or repairs at other locations. Also note that we cannot repair the screens of Smartphones or Tablets.

Repairs are free of charge! Of course any small (voluntary!) donations are more than welcome as they help us cover some of the costs. As of this writing we accept both cash via our donations Tipping jar at the intakedesk and digital transfers via QR code or PIN-payment. Trough this website (Over ons- Steun ons) we accept small digital donations as well. Your donations will be used to cover some of our expenses. Our volunteer repairspecialists to not receive regular payment.

We are proud of our average success rate of 65%. So two thirds of items that are brought in will continue to be of service, with you! This instead of being thrown away to early.

Our volunteers aim to work together with you to fix your item. Not only is this educational, it is also much more fun and “gezellig” to do this together. The intake of repairs is as of 11:30 am, see the calendar for dates and more information.

Please note that you can’t make an appointment or have a guaranteed spot on one of our repair days. We aim to help as much people as we can. You could consider filling out our Intakeform (Look for ‘Reparatiebon downloaden’ in the menu.) and make sure to bring a print out to the event.

If you just want to socialize over a hot beverage and meet fellow Hilversummers, feel free to visit us!

Do you have any questions about our work and goals or any other practical topic? Or do you posses much needed repairskills: consider becoming a repair-volunteer 🙂
Please contact us via email: or drop by during one of our sessions. Our socials will show you most recent developments and some pictures.

En we zijn in de lucht!

Welkom bij de berichten en het nieuws over, voor en door het Repair Café Hilversum. Wat leuk dat je er bent. Kom snel nog eens terug voor de volgende berichten.

Vrijwilliger worden bij het Repair Café Hilversum?

Ben je al eens bij ons op bezoek geweest tijdens een Repair bijeenkomst? Vond je het werk en team leuk, draag je onze uitgangspunten en doelen een warm hart toe en ben je goed in het repareren van bepaalde goederen? Of vind je het leuk om het hospitality-team te versterken?

Overweeg om vrijwilliger te worden! Je draait vanzelf mee op een van de zaterdagen en we leggen je graag uit hoe wij op zo’n dag te werk gaan.

Neem voor al je vragen contact op per mail met het organisatieteam:

Spontaan langskomen op een Repair-zaterdag kan natuurlijk, maar we hebben het best druk met alle werkzaamheden. Om je optimaal te kunnen rondleiden is vooraf contact leggen dus aan te bevelen.